Thursday, November 29, 2007

100th post!

Due to my horrible phobia of deleted entries in Blogger, I’ve finally decided to be smart and type my entries in Microsoft Word and then copy and paste into Blogger. Now, all I need to do is ignore the stupid red and green zigzag-ed lines which appear. And, now I’m not in the best of moods because I’m either experiencing gastric pain or just a stomach upset. There’s a difference, but I wish to think it’s stomach upset because I probably should have known that tomyum soup and Espresso Frap, never, NEVER goes together.

Where shall I start, after becoming uncomfortable with not blogging twice in a day.

Alright, so Monday, I was a really really awesomely nice senior, and accompanied Cindy to CCPS, to place myself in front of Primary school children and teach them from scratch. Forced myself to sleep at a weird hour that I can’t remember now, and woke up at 7. 7 sharp. Then, dearest Cindy, asked if I was still going, and obviously I had to say yes, because there was absolutely no way that I was or could ever go back to sleep after bathing in the morning. And, so it was at 7.45 when I received the message which said something like…I’ll meet you at the bus stop outside CCPS at…8.45 ok? NOT OKAY. Why? It only takes about 15 to 20 mins from my house to CCPS for goodness sake. So, I spent about half an hour waiting like a total fool at the bus stop. What a joke, I believe it’s retribution. Then, at about 8.40, Cindy told me Jeanette couldn’t find me at the bus stop, and she told me over the phone that she had no idea what the hell Jeanette is saying. Then, at the same time, Jeanette asked me where the hell I was. So, I described to her, where the hell the bus stop was, where I was, etc., in a msg and received one the next min, which told me that she was not even at the bus stop near CCPS but at the one Cindy’s house and she, also added that she didn’t know what the hell Cindy was saying. One word: BEST. So, for once, I’m duper early.

I found myself in charge of 3 Primary 2 kids, of whom, had me overwhelmed by a whole ton when I stepped out of CCPS. Why?
1 They go, “What The…”, which I do suppose and assume that the next word should be fuck but, they either don’t know, or don’t dare to say it in front of me.
2 They were quite strategic in trying to have a slacking session, by starting a conversation with me actually. All they had to do is start whispering to another, and ask me a question. And then, next thing I know, we’ve have started talking and they’ve started listening, and nobody’s practicing.
3 They seem to empty their saliva on their pinafore, than the ground, of which, I’m still utterly disgusted. They use their pinafore to wipe their saliva. And when I told Cindy, she gave me the “what’s-wrong-with-that” look. So, I’ve come to the conclusion, that they obviously had learnt that from their beloved seniors. GOODNESS.
4 One girl does not like to wash her hand after going to the toilet, and apparently, she’s more than excited to exclaim that to me. It’s like, I seriously didn’t need to know that.
5 They’re definitely very good at playing low notes that I think warm-up drills would make a perfect piece for their repertoire. Lol! To get them to play a high note, a G, apparently, I had a very hard time, explaining to them the definition of “faster air speed”.
On the flipside of the 5 points stated above, you can obviously tell that they’re really passionate about music, apparently, or at least for now. Before beginning to teach them from scratch, I told myself, “Oh damn, I’m so going to make them hate me, for forcing them to play over and over again.” But, in fact, they were more than willing to play the whole of the piece from the beginning. And, they were also telling me of how they could hold their note for 16 counts and all. At the end of the practice, they have not formed that hatred for me, but we’ve formed that alliance. Thing is, I doubt they know my name.

Note that Cindy was having a much easier time, taking kids who knew how to play, and were just merely learning to play their SYF piece. While, I was still dealing with kids who knew nothing of C,D,E,F,G and had to have me telling them to play higher, since they were playing the piece at a lower note, but with the same fingering. I sure had had a good warm-up by playing low notes all the way. Best.

Followed Eunice and Cindy, oh and Eunice’s younger brother, of whom I told Eunice to bring to CCPS to check out girls, but didn’t, to watch The Gameplan. And I still do not understand why everyone thinks Gameplan is awesomely good, because the storyline is still, rather…cliché, but the girl is cute la, let’s just put it in a nicer way. Confession. I was falling asleep halfway in the movie, and was also freezing. Cindy was nice enough to share her jacket with me, and so we were like two idiots cuddling up to one jacket. Lol. Eunice’s brother had definitely formed the impression of me, being a very extremely vulgar and crude person. Oh well.

The night, I had to go to work. Don’t ask “You don’t need to sleep ah?”…because, in honest fact, I don’t really need to. I survive with the least hours of sleep, I suppose. But when I sleep, I really sleep like a dead log. Ok, that’s not the point. Point is, we got working at 10.30pm, and we were supposed to end at 6.30am. BUT, at 12 midnight, the supervisor said we were done and we could go home. Like, honestly, WHAT THE FUCK. I barely earned 20 bucks, and there’s no transport home, and you’re telling me I can go home?! I don’t want to! So I literally HUH?! at him, and the guy working with us, asked him and enquired. To cut the long story short, we ended up at Plaza Sing helping out. And so, we worked till 5.30. The supervisor there was really gay, that Weelyn suspects that the reason why we worked till 5 and stayed till 5.30 and still get paid, is because he didn’t want to stay alone, so he got us to slack around and indirectly, wait for him. Oh well, as long as I get the money, anything is fine with me. So, this simply explains why I’m here blogging at 2am and not working. And I’m really irritated by this fact, because…this goes to say that 2 days of work DOES NOT pay for the shopping done in less than 30 mins, with Cindy and Eunice, which costs 66 bucks, but IS supposed to. Do you know how depressing that is?! And when Weelyn called Recruit Express up, all the guy could say is… “Then?” Like seriously, we’re being shortchanged here, HELLO?! Goodness. Eunice says, it’s better, at least we’re earning something. Let’s just look on the brighter side, we’ve got work experience now, at least. So this, I have to carry on with for 2 fucking whole weeks, till we move on to a bigger company with a better pay. :D

Tuesday, we went back for band practice. It was fucking hilarious. We’re going to tape it down, and send for Singapore’s Funniest Home Videos. It’s like, we were struggling through warm-up drills. How pathetic. The number was so embarrassingly small that we ended up forming a semi-circle to practice. Lol. And, yeah, that’s about it. Made our way to Starbucks to reminiscence the times in Hawaii, and the pranks we did in the hotel room, of which, had results totally hilarious. Let me name a perfect example. My hotel room was beside Eunice’s. Eunice did this prank to Room 849, my room. So, Cindy picked up the phone, and all she hear is…very deep breathing. Possibility of who’s behind that line: maybe a murderer. Oooooh, scary! Lol! Then, soon, we found out, we were smart enough to come to conclusion that it was Eunice. She foolishly thought we were still being fooled, WHEN…I went to the balcony, and peeped over at her room, (I have a clear view of her room when they don’t draw the curtains)…and then, I see her, clinging onto the phone, sitting on her bed, obviously breathing into the phone. Goodness! HOW DUMB. Lol! Caught red-handed, totally! :D But no prank can ever beat the classic one done by the beloved trumpet section on our dearest friend cum maid, Jennifer Kuruthu…Kuruthuku…Kuru-(*&^%$^&*(-lam. Lol! :D Oh, how I miss those days.

So, for the next few days, I will have to survive on earning a measly sum of ka-ching. You have no idea how deprived I’m gonna be, and how difficult it’d be to not spend the money all at once. My nails are gonna drop off and my thumb is going to suffer from severe swollen-ess. Lol. If you do know where I’m working at, along with HC and Weelyn, please do not disclose, till I blog about it. HA.

Oh yes. The most tragic thing place to my favourite-test item which I hold so close to my heart, my ipod, which is barely 3 months old. My heart literally, ached for the whole night, and whenever I open my bag, I see it, and then my heart starts to ache again. I’m not kidding. If you know what it is, you’ll feel pity for me as well. No joke. Now, it can’t be switched on, and there’s this huge scratch on it, for which I’m gonna spend my pathetic pay on, for reparations, even though there’s warranty. It’s like, I found it hard to adapt to living without it. It’s quite difficult when, you know, I cannot leave my house without my ipod. If I do, my day would be rather bad. And now, I force myself to listen to people’s loud voices on the train/buses, stupid tv shows broadcasted on tvmobile, what nots. Totally torturous. To make it even worse, I just spent 26 bucks on the ipod cover, on Monday, and it didn’t even protect the freaking ipod, thus, resulting in it’s current state.

Gonna watch Enchanted which is apparently, really…well, praised for, gonna have my ipod fixed (who knows how long it’s gonna take), and the next few days will be work, work, work. Weekends are now, currently, for me to hibernate. But for now, the new episode of Gossip Girl. :)

2:29 AM

Monday, November 26, 2007

This is why Cindy always amuses me, makes me laugh at how foolish I am, and yet, bullies me. :(

if looks could really kill then my profession wo sent 11/26/2007 12:03 AM:
why you steal my underwear?!

Or-Der-Ree says (12:03 AM):

if looks could really kill then my profession wo sent 11/26/2007 12:03 AM:
pevert ah

Or-Der-Ree says (12:04 AM):
Nice la, your underwear. HAHA.

if looks could really kill then my profession would be staring says (12:04 AM):
from topshop one!

Or-Der-Ree says (12:05 AM):

if looks could really kill then my profession would be staring says (12:06 AM):
change underwear la you

Or-Der-Ree says (12:08 AM):

if looks could really kill then my profession would be staring says (12:09 AM):
toxic know

Or-Der-Ree says (12:13 AM):
Not yet la.

if looks could really kill then my profession would be staring says (12:17 AM):
change underwear

Or-Der-Ree says (12:20 AM):

if looks could really kill then my profession would be staring says (12:38 AM):
change already>

Or-Der-Ree says (12:39 AM):
Yes. Thrice.

if looks could really kill then my profession would be staring says (12:39 AM):

Or-Der-Ree says (12:44 AM):
Can earn more points.

if looks could really kill then my profession would be staring says (12:44 AM):
later lah
you all flood flood flood
i take so long to accept and install stuff

Or-Der-Ree says (1:12 AM):

if looks could really kill then my profession would be staring says (1:16 AM):
i shall make you a gingerbread cookie

if looks could really kill then my profession would be staring says (1:25 AM):
do you want it?

Or-Der-Ree says (1:26 AM):
You should. First was turkish delight, which I never received. Then poptarts, which I too didn't get, so now, I'm really hoping I would get this gingerbread cookie into my stomach.

Or-Der-Ree says (1:26 AM):

if looks could really kill then my profession would be staring says (1:26 AM):

if looks could really kill then my profession would be staring says (1:26 AM):
on facebook lah!

Or-Der-Ree says (1:27 AM):

if looks could really kill then my profession would be staring says (1:28 AM):
i give you poptarts tomorrow lah

1:28 AM

OH MY GOODNESS. THAT'S IT. WEELYN OH, YOU HAVE TO SHIFT ME TO LJ ASAP BECAUSE BLOGGER DELETED ANOTHER OF MY POST! I typed for a whole good 45 mins, with interruption from my mom, because she wanted to learn how to use her email, so I taught her, and logged out from my gmail account, and VOILA. I got logged out of my blogger account, and was foolishly typing away, and then, ....I tried to save due to my phobia of deleted entries, but couldn't because it said error, and then, I was thinking of copying, but, NO, it doesn't allow copying apparently, I DON'T KNOW WHY, and then, it's gone. GONE! GONE! Vanish into fucking thin air! ARGH! And that was one good entry.

It was about Beowulf, which I caught today.

It was about getting into the Christmas mood.

It was about how The Cathay is quite happening with the lovely shops, some with vintage things, some with IMPORTS!, oh yes, I absolutely love imports, and how I've finally found an outlet which imports Abercrombie and Fitch outfits.

It was about how Gramophone there, is gonna be my new hangout, because the things seem strangely cheaper and how its packed unbelievably neatly, and how the staff look into your eyes and smile genuinely.

It was about how foolish I was in Sec 1 when I spent 300 bucks on Christmas gifts.

It was about how I have the inspiration to handmake Christmas presents like how I did, was it last year or the year before that, yet failed miserably.

It was about how I'm working for all the different reasons, to get a scrapbook going, to go for more concerts, to pay for my own music lessons, to spend more quality time with friends at Starbucks, and to get presents for parties I'm invited to such as the ABNIA party which kindly demands a present upon entry.

It was about how the date to go watch Enchanted with Weelyn and Jessie is off and how amusing it was that, Jessie asked "Don't tell me you're bringing all the Concert Band girls." when Weelyn asked if she could invite anyone, and how I asked "We're going to watch with the Jocks?! Oh no." when she told me we're going with Jessie.

It was about how I have to wake up at an unearthly hour of 7, to meet Cindy and meet Primary school brats, and teach them music, and how I'm going to be dead beat at my first day of work.


But now, my entry is about how Blogger is blowing my brains out of my head, by simply deleting my blog entries.

12:13 AM

Saturday, November 24, 2007

A typical conversation with Eve, which I found really amusing. It was about a certain someone's (I can't say his name, because it would jeopardize Eve's future, see I so nice) moodswings. HAHA.

Eve take flight says (10:20 PM):
yeah depends on his mood la

Eve take flight says (10:20 PM):
tht swings like the ferris wheel

Or-Der-Ree says (10:20 PM):

Or-Der-Ree says (10:20 PM):
That's not a good comparison is it.

Or-Der-Ree says (10:21 PM):
Ferris Wheel is like damn sloooooww.

Eve take flight says (10:21 PM):
lol, ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Eve take flight says (10:21 PM):
swing like ah meng

Or-Der-Ree says (10:22 PM):

Or-Der-Ree says (10:22 PM):
Ah meng's still alive? Oh, if he is, then shouldn't he be like really old, and slooooooow as well? Lol!

Eve take flight says (10:23 PM):

Eve take flight says (10:23 PM):
swing as fast as pikachu la

Eve take flight says (10:24 PM):
but he doesnt swing right?

Or-Der-Ree says (10:24 PM):

Or-Der-Ree says (10:24 PM):
He jumps.

Or-Der-Ree says (10:24 PM):
I think/.

Or-Der-Ree says (10:24 PM):

Eve take flight says (10:24 PM):
oh then i think you need to make friends with him

Eve take flight says (10:24 PM):
can jump tgth

Or-Der-Ree says (10:25 PM):

Eve take flight says (10:25 PM):

Eve take flight says (10:25 PM):

Or-Der-Ree says (10:25 PM):
I can tell.

11:48 PM

I shall reply to the tags here, cause I don't wanna flood my own tagboard.

Eve: HAHA. Rustle. It's Russell. Goodness. I pity your dog for having such an owner. :)
Farah!: My mom said they're trying to earn money. Lol! Weelyn simply provides pure entertainment for us. *shakes peace sign* HAHAHAH! I'm beginning to think Ms Swan is lame. HA. And, since when is Pussy a vulgarity man. Gosh.
Weelyn: I choose to believe the seaweed. HAHA. :D
Anne: I think shave bald better. Lmao! But you're gonna rebond?
Abi: HAHAHAHAHA to the fax number. Lol!
Eunice: Dogs can't emo ah?! HAHA. Ya la ya la, father la. Tsk.
Chandni: HAHA. And I actually foolishly tried all ways to spell that word before you told me. Lol.
HC: NO I DON'T. *does the Gatsby stick out tongue thing* Lol. And I don't have the pic. Anyhow, my hair's no longer straight.

Farah has gotten me for good, cause she's made me like Gossip Girl. My life revolves around Gossip Girl. I slept at 5 yesterday cause I was watching GG, and when I awoke at 4 today, I switched on the com, and started watching. And the thing is GG isn't THAT awesome okay, Farah Nadia, I'm just bored. HAHA. I actually have the patience to let it load, and load and load. Goodness. And now, I'm still waiting cause the freaking sound and action aren't in sync.

It's about a month to Christmas. :)

7:43 PM

I'm still very pissed. But since, I'm close to bored from attacking shitness in Facebook, and from waiting for Gossip Girls to load on some *censored* website, I'm gonna attempt to blog about these few days. The highlights of the sleepover. I'm probably gonna cut short.

We, being HC, Clarissa, Maxine, Eunice, and me, were supposed to meet at 12 at Parkway. Jenni came and Maxine had to travel to Malaysia Truly Asia on short notice, and I woke up at 12. Best. I called to get permission, from HC, lol, to let me sleep till I was happy. So, I tried to continue sleeping but failed. Waited for almost close to 30 good mins for the darn bus to bring me to Parkway, to meet the rest who were already at Gramophone picking out DVDs. The selected DVDs were of those I would object violently against, such as, The Nun and Seed of Chucky. Thank God, Seed of Chucky is M18. Out of the 5 DVDs, we only watched 2 during the sleepover. And another, I watched at Weelyn's house, when I got over after the sleepover cause I didn't wanna go home. HA. And best part is like all are Copyrighted Protected, so I can't like do illegal acts, except...The Nun. Like Wow, I've got fate with horror films. Sickening. Got to Cold Storage to get junk, and bus-ed to her HC's house and got high in the bus when Eunice read out some letter some person wrote to those Dear Kelly sections in Teenage, and made it seem really horny. Goodness. It was fucking hilarious. The typical procedure to censored acts which are meant to be done in the bedroom, the tickling in the bed, leading to kissing, etc. OH WHATEVER. Seriously lame and dumb, and I was simply amused by how foolish teenagers can get.

Here's the juicy part of the entry. Argh, I just gotta repeat all over. Sickening. Ok, here goes. Hope I have the patience. We laid down all the DVDs on the table in the living room, in front of the biggest teevee in the house. Then here comes HuangYee telling us DVDs couldn't be watched there. So. We shifted to the 2nd floor, lied down, and inserted the DVD of "Blades of Glory" into the player.
*Insert Disc*
*Press Play*
*Talk bout random stuff*
*Press Play*
*Getting Impatient*
"Why not playing ah?"
"WA PIANG! I KNOW WHY! It's a VCD player, not DVD!"
Oh goodness. So, we shifted to playing it on the computer, but after we decided to bring the monitor down to the floor, HC says "I don't think there's gonna be sound." We shift to this teeny weeny little DVD player HC had, which was way too small for 6 people to concentrate and watch a movie from. So, unable to withstand the size of the screen, we switched to HC's sister's laptop, which didn't have fantastic sound system. And then, we decided to watch "Secret" instead. But we switched to her dad's laptop which was equally soft. Moreover, the disc was pirated, and the subtitles didn't really help cause it was like direct, literal translation, which totally didn't make any sense. We ended up laughing at the subtitles. HAHA. I'm not too sure if we switched back to the DVD player after this, cause I lost count, but soon, we found out, HuangYee had the VCD for "Secret". -_-" Seriously. Goodness. So we ended up back at our second alternative. Oh goodness. What a tedious procedure.

Ok, so here comes my confession. I actually like like "Secret". I think the storyline is pretty interesting, and the music's good. This is the first time I actually like a Chinese show. Gosh, I need to be my open minded.

We discussed and talked bout crazy PSLE results over dinner, and argued that the picture of the two people kissing the top girl on her cheeks were both woman or one woman, one man. It was hilarious cause I confidently said "You tell me which man has boobs please." And the man's not even fat. So, I was like must be woman, since the boobs really look like boobs, and that person's wearing a earring. 9.30 news on 5, revealed to all of us, that the person was actually the girl's father and Eunice and Clarissa's reactions were extreme beyond extreme. Goodness. Watching Deal or No Deal with Weelyn is one of the things you wouldn't wanna have on your to-do-list, with her going "I KNEW IT!" everytime a case is opened. Not surprising eh? HAHA. She said she should join. If she joins,...I wonder who those people sitting on the sofa would be. Maybe her Indian family. Lol.

Mahjonged through the night, and everyone got high over green tea, as usual from 12.30 to 1 plus, it was pretty freaky. Then, soon, everyone began to knock off. First Eunice and Weelyn, leaving HC, Clarissa and me, to watch "Copying Beethoven" and then HC and Clarissa, leaving me Then I finally knocked out at 6 plus. Everyone got up at 11 when HC had to leave her house to meet Val at 12.15pm. Like best. HAHA. We did the most sinful thing after waking up and bathing, at 1, snack on junk. Goodness, and drink Shandy. Tsk tsk.

I went over to Weelyn's, to have Kieran demanding a Facebook account, and having the chance to attack all whatnots on Facebook, and also, he calling me all the time by my MSN nick, which is OR-DER-REE. Literally that. Had dinner at Blk 85, with Eunice, Cindy, Weelyn and KT, and spent 2 good hours at a board game cafe. :)

I can't wait for next week, in which, I work till I suck out all my energy and feel so darn lethargic, but I'll feel good, cause I love working hard. I'll complain that I'm so fucking tired, and sick of my job. And, then, I'll know it pays off in the end.

I want a white piano, which can be sooo pretty, just like the one in the video of Melee's Built to Last. He makes love sounds so nice and perfect, doesn't he? I didn't know love was like that. It is?

1:21 AM

Friday, November 23, 2007

FUCK. Thanks Blogger, after typing for a million gazillion years, you deleted my fucking post. Thanks alot. Fucking useless piece of shit. It didn't even save. What the fuck, seriously.

Just to sum up everything in what I typed, "The sleepover at HC's was good."

Now, you see, why I don't like blogging at times.

11:25 PM

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Weelyn, everyone, or at most all geniuses should know Bohemian Rhapsody is one song, I repeat, ONE SONG. So, I've no idea what goes through a mind of a drug addict. And, then why can't I spell TAOKAE as TAOKAE huh? The seaweed says so, and it means boss. So it's the same. TSK *rolls eyes* *does the twist thing* HUH! Lol. And why am I not surprised you believed Jo huh. Hmmm. HAHA.

Today's been one hectic day. Interviews or would I say "interviews" the entire day. It's like I've filled up the same forms, over and over again. Goodness, and I'm proud to finally say that we've gotten a proper job. Those where we don't earn measely 3 bucks in an hour. :D I shall never disclose where we're working on my blog. I hope the others wouldn't be that dumb to do so. The whole day, we were just suaning Weelyn with her "close her eyes and TSK" act, and moreover, doing it with shaking the peace/twist sign cause that's what she did to Farah when she managed to help her get a donut from donut factory. So RIGHT. HAHA.

Eunice Gee looked uber minah/mean-ah today. Ok that's random. But anyway, we finally went for our haircut at Far East's Supercuts, and I like it. :D I got a guy hairstylist, which I usually prefer cause I always have the stereotype gay hairstylists are much better. HAHA. It's quite true what. Anyway, while Eunice and HC had female hairstylists,and while they had shorter hair, much shorter, we ended up spending over an hour in the salon, cause my hairstylist was tending to sooo many customers, and I ended up being the last. And, he was really funny. Cause everytime when he saw Eunice and me talking, he'd say "You both fighting again ah?" Then he got another woman to blow dry my hair while he tended to someone else, and when he came back, he saw my hair and went "WHAT IS THIS..." Lol! Hilarious shit. And he kept asking me if I was really damn sure if the woman like blew dry my hair like blow blow and not anyhow blow. And I kept saying yes, and he said "Ok, I do ah, you see this side, I do, this side, she do. You see if there's any difference." After he did, I couldn't really see any difference but just to please him, I said "A little bit." Lol. Oh one part, like hair was all over my mouth, and in it. Gross and disgusting as it sounds, it was very disturbing. Lol. So I went "Wait! There's hair in my mouth!" And he said..."That's cause you opened your mouth when I was cutting." NO. I wasn't la. TSK. I only talked to the rest when he stopped cutting. HAHA. Actually, the reason's cause...I put lip balm before he cut my hair, so it's like, it began to stick at my lips. Lol. Lesson learnt. I think he's cool, the way he swings the scissors which most male hairstylists do actually, except the fact that he hasn't heard of TIMES Bookshop, and he smokes. He said I should rebond my hair. Damn. And after the haircut,...oh wait, yes, we were so bored waiting for him, that within that period of time, I almost wanted to cut bangs/bob. Thank God I didn't. HAHA. For the first time, my mom noticed the difference in my hair. Lol. :) Now, Eunice and HC say I look like an ahlian, like totally. Just because of my straight hair. That's what Eunice always says. Sickening. She said she's not going to go out with an ahlian like me, but I said I didn't like going out with minahs, yet I've been out with one. :D

So that's bout it. I'm now online, to watch Ms Swan. Oh me. HA. I can't wait for work to start, and then I'll go, "I can't wait for work to end". What a life. :)

9:48 PM

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

These few days have been, quite interesting from the rest of the days, when I'm pretty much dropping round town, to shop. And shop, and shop. And now, I wouldn't say I'm left with enough money to bring me to the shops I wanna go to. This is the part where Eunice GeeShiyun and Farah Nadia yawn. I still have both your presents in my bag ah. :D (inside joke)

Anyway, from don't know which unearthly day, till a few days ago...oh wait, I know which unearthly day, Grad Night. Yes, I've been sleeping at 4 o clock, and waking up at...uncertain hours. The point is, I never do that unless I'm really dead bored. And I realised that I was, caused the only thing I did was go on Facebook and bite some chumps/feed my vampire, slayer, werewolf, etc./fight with other vampires, slayers, werewolves, read blogs, and watch videos on Youtube. Goodness, and I realised if I didn't get a fucking job soon enough, my life would be equivalent to studying for Os. No, I've gotten a job, but it doesn't start till...soon.

I felt unsually disturbed and perturbed, (I just felt like using that word) that I had nothing to do on Sunday. Seriously. A usual Sunday would be...going to Tuition or to study. Then, I realised, "Damn. This is my first free Sunday and I'm doing nothing." I ended up going to church with my mom which is a norm, my new (RED) Converse, which Clarissa Tung, Maxine, Jo Jo Yeo Yeo, Weelyn Oh and Cindy Poh, think it looks more like pink! I'm like, fuck. Cause for me to buy a pair of pink converse would be equivalent to me marrying Jamie in real life. Yes, I'm finally coming to realise reality. Anyway, point is, it's not a pink converse I've gotten. It's the (RED) ones, which is limited edition and I have done a good cause since part of the cost have gone to charity. I love it. :D So, that's the good thing bout going out with your mom. Pair of converse, sponsored!

So, yesterday, we finally decided to get our asses moving and visited band. I was supposed to meet Clarissa, Jojo Yeoyeo and Weelyn for lunch, but due to my nocturnal behaviour, the truth was that I couldn't wake up at the time to meet them, and half awake and half asleep, I messaged saying, "I can't meet you all. I wanna sleep in. See you in school." Lol! So they took it that I pangseh them. Like hello Weelyn Oh, you've pangseh-ed me a gazillion times, and you pick on me now la. HAHA. Anyway, we poked our noses into the business of band and I must say it dealing with hard reality. After not touching my instrument for close to 8 months, I couldn't play a proper scale when I first touched my instrument. I only managed to play like one note, and the second was like "phlat". I wanted to cry. But no la, I still managed to play the scale soon enough in the next few minutes, and still managed to reach high notes. Then after playing for a while, less than a solid hour, I felt tired. It's like dang, you've lost the touch. My dearest beloved section, was practicing outside the 4/6, in which I was practicing in, and called me with a motive. Dearest Cindy Poh, knew I couldn't play well, so she told me to try playing their piece which has a great deal of stupid articulation shit which I obviously couldn't play without practicing right. She tried to bullshit/cowdung/dogpoo with me and said "We can't play, need senior to demonstrate." Yeah right. HA. You watch out. I'm gonna go back one day knowing how to play that fucking piece. TSK. I hope. If I have the time. I play on the piano la. :D I seriously don't understand why I'm in the trumpet/cornet section please. It's so difficult for me to reach the high notes due to my pretty much thick lips. :( Oh wells.

After band, we caught Stardust. The movie was soooooo...cliche. But the storyline was rather interesting. You could pretty much predict the ending, the Happy Ever After ending, and the Good Guy Wins ending. And sitting beside Jo, sitting beside the script. She knows the next line of the actress, due to her great experience in drama serials. Haha.

Since, apparently, to Weelyn, we were "going home so fast". So I said..."Ok we walk slower then." Lol. I love disturbing her. So, we got to Macs to sit down and decided not to like get anything but soon they wanted McFlurry. Listen to me here, I do not usually eat McFlurry. I was nice to the rest, and helped them order their stupid ice-cream while they settled something regarding *censored*. Haha. I can't believe I'm saying this foolish act of mine, but oh wells, I need to pay less attention to Weelyn and her stupid acts, and give her a chance to humiliate me since there's no other...
Me: What flavours of McFlurry do you have? (I forgot what Jo and Weelyn ordered)
Girl: Mudpie, Berries and cookies.
Me: Ok, can I have 1 berry and 2 cookies.
Girl: (gave me a confused look)
Me: Oh, wait. Is Berry and cookies 1 flavour?
Girl: Er, yeah. Berry and cookies, together.
Me: OH. Ok, then can I have 1 berry and cookies and 2 normal ones.
When I told the rest back at the table of what happened, they laughed like really really loudly. I don't understand. Ok, it's funny but it's not THAT hilarious. Like damnit, that stupid girl didn't even mention to me like the normal flavour which I found out, is oreo. Do I look like I eat McFlurry?! TSK. So, now Weelyn you have something to humiliate me la, as I can see from my tagboard. You watch out before I post your drug addict pic on my blog. Oh yes, so while they were laughing at me and my foolish act, we were also laughing at how Clarissa had absolutely NO EYE DEAR on how McFlurry is made. Even I, who don't eat McFlurry knows how it's made. She thinks that everythin goes through the spoon, when in fact, nothing goes through the spoon. LOL! We had a hard time explaining, till we had no patience and told her to keep quiet and just eat. Lmao! :D

So learning from yesterday's experience of wearing school uniform while other Sec 4s, wore home clothes, we decided to wear home clothes to Band today and I happen to be the only one wearing jeans. TSK. And because of my "taokae" shoes, aka pumps but Eunice Gee prefers to call them taokae shoes cause they look like those taokaes would wear in the olden days, all the others said I looked like I was going to Chinatown. Sickening. And, the Sec 2s tried to read the words off my shirt, while I was trying to recall the drills to help Ruoen out. And we decided to make them shout numbers, and it was hilarious. Like since when do Band girls get so soft ah? You put one Epping Boy at the 4th floor of our school, then their voices will go like high like nobody's business. But now, you ask them to shout numbers, so soft. HAHA. Tsk man. Lol. And after fall in, we sat round a pillar, to smell Victoria Secret's fragrance and Eunice and Farah said a certain fragrance smelt nice, but Clarissa and I can't even smell anything la. It's like, Clarissa thinks it smells like bubblegum while I think it smells like playdough. So what the hell la. I gotten the Love Spell! Lol. Weelyn wanted a bottle too, but we suggested that she continue to use her fragrance her culture (aka the lala culture) uses. Lmao! So I got up and down school, to run errands, and when I got up to get scores, my dearest section looked so pathetic and Cindy, at that point of time said "HELP." Then I said, ok, wait. I got to running the errands, and got back up a while later. And when I stood in front of them, to help them out, they started their break. Wapiang la. Best. My section, can't get any better. Haha.

Left at the end of Band, proceeded on to Banquet to have lunch/dinner. And Maxine dropped by, and Farah started taking out the Victoria Secret's fragrance for her to smell. I attempted to smell the stupid fragrance I couldn't smell in school, again. But I still couldn't. :/ After, I tried to persuade Eunice to follow me to cut my damn untamed hair, but she refused to follow, giving ALL sorts of excuses.
1st reason: Got stinking clothes in her bag from her chalet.
2nd reason: Need to go home quickly.
I think there was one bout her brother as well, or was there not? I can't remember. Damn, serious STM. We agreed on going tmr instead. Like FINALLY, haircut! I feel like going for an extreme haircut. One which would be so obvious. HAHA. For fun. I might seem like I'm out of my mind. Cut bangs. Lol. Must be kidding. Cut short again. No. Aiya, best la. Go cut ahlian la. HAHAHAHA. Bury me, and I still wouldn't. If I only trim, it'd be so boring. I know you'll tell me to shave la huh. You should shut up la. HAHA.

To end off, Weelyn asked me when the band was playing Bohemian Rhapsody...."So which part is Bohemian Rhapsody?" The title of the piece was Bohemian Rhapsody, Bohemian Rhapsody is a song, yet she asked which part of Bohemian Rhapsody is Bohemian Rhapsody. WOW. That must have been a trick question. Sometimes, I seriously don't understand my Indian friend, Weelyn. Lol.

7:35 PM

Sunday, November 18, 2007

For the curious ones who have been longing to know how Rusti looks like.
A followup to our famous and most requested song on the Indian Billboard Top 100, the Benny Lava song, we have the following which is a tribute to Clarissa, for having been the victim of all our teasing of her surname into TUNG TUNG TUNG DA DA DA! Just gotta change Duke to Tung. It'd work. :D

And, so you think I'm only prejudiced against Indians, and laughing at only their songs, and stupid translations, I'm not...cause here, we also have Japanese Transformers, aka Saint Transformers apparently. It's quite interesting. Sonia, I think you're gonna love it. Though they don't have the phrase, "MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE" Lol.

But to tell you the truth, Benny Lava still has the place in my heart for best translated Indian song, and best dance moves. Lol.

And to end off, I miss NCO. :( And once again, thanks to Youtube that I managed to view the POP. HA.

1:06 AM

Saturday, November 17, 2007

It's 6.30 a.m. now. Don't worry. I've showered already, took out ALL the pins stuck in my hair a few hours ago, untangled the knots, and now, waiting for my hair to dry and watching teeeveeee...YAN CAN COOK! HAHAHAHA. No, seriously, just now I was watching some cooking show, and the food looked so fucking tempting, I feel damn hungry. But I ate it already, visually. HA. Wow.

I'm really really really bored. Why ain't there anyone online?! And the sky is lighting up really soon, I don't understand why it lights up so fast. Then when it lights up, everyone will wake up and I will go to sleep. :) HAHA. The birds are gonna start chirping, non-stop, I tell you. I will shoot them down, one by one, if they piss me off. I'll shoot them down with rubber bands. Damn. Who am I kidding?! I can't even shoot rubber bands. No, I'll throw my dog at them. Lol. I told Weelyn just now when she asked how do we get our hairdo out, that I'd put my head at Rusti's mouth, and he'll bite it off for me. Lol. I really have a wild imagination.

Thank God for Youtube that I managed to catch major songs Linkin Park played at their concert. And, thank God I didn't go, cause...Singaporeans are dumb. Ignore the fact I'm Singaporean, but they go to a concert and they sing. WTF. So instead of hearing the artist sing, you hear other people singing. What. The. Fuck. Might as well play at home, sing at home right. Singaporeans make me very amused. Thank God I didn't go. Seriously.

I have the feeling as if I'm supposed to get dressed and go to school now. Funny. HA.

Oh yes, guess how many pins were stuck in my head! Guess! Guess! Guess! HAHAHAHA. When I started taking out, I was like, are these gonna end?! Since I'm so bored, here goes,...the number of pins = [1(2)(3)+(4)(3)+(5+7)/6+58-92X2+106+(87)(3)-96/2]/3-7X3-(2)(11)+1176/12.
Happy Calculating. The answer is...a two digit even number. It's not difficult to get, unless you made a careless mistake. HAHA. :D

The sky is completely bright now. It's time for me to go to school. RIGHT. No. HA. I think I'm going insane. Ah boring. I want to stay awake till 9 plus to watch Debbie Travis' Painted House. It's been a looong time since I watched Debbie Travis' shows cause Channel 5 pretty much sucks and chose to broadcast her shows in the freaking morning! Hmmm. Or maybe I should sleep and wake up later. Damn. Ah, go sleep la. I'm having the syndrome of weird sleeping hours, AGAIN. Ok. I'll go sleep. Have a nice day everyone! :D

6:30 AM

This blog post is not going to be random. It's gonna be about Grad Night, which I went for, and missed NCO. But invitation was needed for NCO, so it being in some ulu place like NeeSoonCamp, it kind of gave me a reason to go for Grad Night instead.

How should I put it? It was average. Here's the "holistic" report for the whole entire event.
5 out of 10 for level of interest I had in it.
10 out of 10 for the effort put into trying to transform the school hall, that I sooooo couldn't recognize it.
0 out of 10 for the level of success achieved in the transformation.

They said they'll have coolers, WHATEVER.
We were perspiring.

They said we wouldn't recognize the hall, WHATEVER.
It looked the same to me.

They said there'll be event planners, WHATEVER.
Bullshit, Cowdung, Dogpoo. It didn't seem awesomely well planned.

Boring la, our school. CMI. Cannot Make It. Come out with all sorts of excuses to cover up for their plans to cut costs. And, they, trying to kid with us, is obviously a complete and total joke. Don't you find it funny? OH YES. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Laugh.

SO. Why did I still have interest?

Yes, friends being there, was partly the reason. Friends over rule venue. HAHA. The company spent while searching the outskirts of Singapore, ok, maybe not thoroughly, just mainly town, searching for everything which fitted our outfit, was goooood. It was awesomely interesting, funny and enjoyable, with Farah, Eunice, Weelyn, and HC. Then, friends at Grad Night, would be obviously the reason to attend. I mean, damn, picture-taking after the whole event was the only awesome part of the whole night. Even though everyone, was unglamly perspiring in the "cooled" hall, it was really fun going around, taking pictures with all your mates, those in the same class, same CCA, or best, even the same Sec 1 class. It was just, so much fun. It sure makes you treasure those you had, the past 4/10 years, even better.

I was looking forward to the slideshows. But screw the event planners (if they even existed) cause they didn't play the slides! At least part of 4/6's came out, but it totally didn't fit the point, when, they were trying to get 4/1 up on stage to get their class photo taken. The bad thing, I had a number of unglam shots in the thing. And I've no idea where they got the pics from. There was one like, "2.30, tutorials start." and they show me sleeping. BEST. Another, was one taken during NCO, when I was holding the mace and doing what shit pose. BEST, cause I seriously didn't know where that came from cause I WANT PICS OF ME IN NCO BUT I CAN'T FIND THEM! Then, one was one I foolishly allowed SONA and TUNG TUNG TUNG DA DA DA aka Clarissa, meddle with my hair and markers. BEST, cause that was ultimately unglam. However, honestly, and humbly, I must still say, none of my unglam shots can compete with the award-winning/Escar/Ommy nominated picture of 4/6 07's existance in SAC, Weelyn's drug addict shot! LOL! :D I seriously, didn't submit that ah. Anyway, coming back to the point, I'm rather irritated they didn't play the slides!

Grad Night amused me because you get to see everyone transform. Like, from the being nerdy to being glamourous, though some, I seriously don't know what went through their minds when they picked their outfit out. Anyway, I went for Grad Night because I could get to see a rather amusing fashion show. Haha. All the weird outfits, and yet, the really really really beautiful ones. If they were weird, they were really weird. If they were pretty, they were really pretty. But duh, mostly were the same. So, that fits under the category of "plain and simple". Then came the Grace and Style award aka Prom Queen (whatever), which was not too shocking. I think they all deserved it, esp Audrey Lange, the disgracer to my name, LOL, and Ruzanna! :D Shuweet!

So, what happened to the other 5 marks which were lost in the scale of my interest? To put it short and sweet,...

Long award ceremony.
Long speeches.
Performances which weren't too awesome.
The sound of how the CCEs tried their best desperately to make it work, when obviously, it couldn't really work.
Retarded rules regarding the skinnies issue, that do make people very irritated, yet people like me, amused.
Everyone noticing my tan, and PEELING SKIN.

Dolling up and dressing up at Hollywood Secrets was probably one of the bestest part of the whole idea of Grad Night. It's been a loooong time since I touched makeup, which was most probably my birthday, where Clarissa, Maxine and Michelle attempted to give me a makeover, but for like proper making up for an event, it'd be a performance in church, or wait, Sounds of Music. Lol. Spas. Anyway, the makeup was awesome. I didn't really like it at first, but I began to love it even more when I looked into the mirror during hair styling. Lol. I don't have a thing bout glitter, but it still went perfectly well! :D Then, came the hair styling part. The guy talked to me in Chinese, and I felt so hopeless when I couldn't reply in Chinese. I spoke in broken Chinese, he asked what time was the event in Chinese, and I said "Liu dian (Six o'clock)" and he said it was early, it being only 2 plus. And I said, "Ying wei, wo men need to report at 5 o'clock" Wa, shit. I felt like Jing-mei from JLC. Goodness. ANYWAY, he said I had a sweet face (DUH!) HAHAHAHA, (wait till he hears me curse and swear) and that I looked like as if I was going to get married, LOL, and said something bout during wedding, gotta be even prettier or something. Ok, so no link. Lol. I think he just forgotten that I'm married already. Lol. Anyway, then, he plaited and bunned my hair, and it looked really really pretty! I loved it...not till he...did something to my fringe when Eunice Gee was beside me. Lol. He did those peacock look, I almost died on the spot. When I saw it, I was like "SHIT. Everyone's gonna call me peacock." then after finishing, he said "Ok, done. Can?" and I was like, "Can I have my flat fringe instead?" HAHA. So...embarrassing. You should have seen my face, and Eunice's. It was CLASSIC man. But I managed to get back the hair I loved, that, I'm here now blogging, and not yet showered cause I don't wanna take out the hairdo. I wanna keep it! HAHAHA. For this, I totally love Hollywood Secrets. Money spent was indeed worth its value! :D

Funny incidents at Hollywood Secrets:
Eunice was mistaken for a mix, yet again.
One of the lady said Eunice's eyes were so big, they could "fang dian" (in other words, you know, do that electricity thingy with the opposite sex or whatever)

Then, once we stepped foot out of Hollywood Secrets, people couldn't stop staring. God, it was seriously so irritated. Damn it, and it's PARAGON for goodness sake. It seems as if nothing's wrong. Oh yes, we were in our dresses by the way, but all the aunties, couldn't stop staring. As if we were walking naked. It was to the extent I said "WILL THEY JUST STOP STARING?!" while looking at this aunty staring. And, best thing was that she continued to stare! So, we decided to go to Starbucks since I assured Eunice, Weelyn and HC, that if we sat at SB, no one would notice us, rather than walking around. Stares were lesser, but we did get noticed for makeup la huh. Not too bad. Better than stares, from aunties.

Cabbed from Paragon to NatEng's house to tompang our stuff, thanks a million bitch! HAHA. And it was so sickening cause the queue was uber long, and I specifically wanted a Prestige cab, so we could arrive in style and glamour, so we tried to call, BUT THEY REFUSED TO PICK UP OUR CALL! Sickening! So we ended up calling for Comfort Cab. Better than being late.

Let's skip the details of Grad Night, wait. Except for the GOH's speech. Wapiang! Her speech is like totally no link to the theme/event. She told a story, and it was as if she was writing an essay la. "Our hearts sank to our feet", etc. I STM, can't really recall the rest. Anyway, yeah. Oh yes, and my feet was totally aching. Standing for a long period of time in heels, is pretty bad. Equivalent to shopping in heels actually, which happened to me before. And everyone, EVERYONE, I knew, just had to take note of my tan. So...embarrassing! It's like..."Audrey! You're so red!", "Nice tan, Audrey!", etc. Lesson learnt. Thank God for the shawl, if not, I'd have been peeling my skin during the speeches. LOL!

Headed to Simpang Bedok to sup. Food and company was awesome beyond awesome! :D Laughed, talked, reminiscenced, feasted, over the good old days of Secondary life, how we transformed from nerds-who-wore-round-frame-glasses-and-tied-our-unlayered-hair-in-a-low-pony-tail to young-ladies-who-wear-contact-lenses-and-tie-our-hair-looking-like-a-kcian. HAHAHAHA. Laughed over every single little bit we did, and all the lame things we said. Oh yes, I must complain, everyone ordered drinks eh? Duh. So I ordered white spider. It's a drink where they put rubber spiders, and when the spiders are submerged, they look white but when they are taken out, they turn black. And the drink is of your own choice. Sounds convincing? BULLSHIT, COWDUNG, DOGPOO. It's just sprite with Vanilla ice-cream. No realtion to white spider. Probably cause the vanilla ice-cream is like floating, it looks like a spider. Hmmm. Maybe. Why can't they call it Sprite Float?! So, I ordered that. Everyone's drinks came and they finished them, and my white spider still didn't come. So when my patience became to wear off, I asked again. Then I waited, waited. And waited. It still didn't come. SO, for the last time, I asked. And then, it arrived. It was black! As in BLACK SPIDER. Not WHITE! SO tsking la. So everyone was making fun, saying that that's the lala version of the white spider. WHATVER. And so I made up a story that its transforming, like TRANSFORMERS! :D HAHA. So till then, I still believed that I was drinking WHITE SPIDER. Then when the receipt came, guess what, it stated "BLACK SPIDER" BEST I TELL YOU, ULTIMATE BEST. For 3 times, I ask for WHITE SPIDER, they give it to me after I've almost quenched my thirst and then they servce me a wrong drink, without me knowing. Blame my stupidity and Clarissa, for her awesomely awesomely lala friends. HAHA. Other than that, dinner/supper, was most probably the best part of the entire day! Simpang is shuweet! :D Plus, Clarissa's lala friends served us! Slowly, one by one left, and it was left with Maxine, Clarissa and I. Chatted, till the wee hours of 1.30, then left Simpang. Returned at 2, and from then on, I've been blogging, and Facebooking, and MSNing, and not bathing, and not touching my hair, cause I love it. HAHA. I know, I stink pretty badly now. Oh wells, then would someone kindly get me that lovely Dolce and Gabana fragrance I absolutely love? HAHA.

4 awesome years, or would I say 10 years, of being in a Canossian school. Yes, it's been interesting, like a rollercoaster ride, with all the boredom, and all the climax, changes, etc. It's been moulded into a perfect story, with a perfect ending. To all those, who made this journey, one I would never forget, for it's been so enjoyable and memorable, to all the classmates who made lessons so interesting, teachers who made lessons boring so classmates could make it interesting, to all my Bandmates, Band Seniors, and all the cliques I've been in, Thank You for every little tiny bit you've done. And to the Class of 2007, we've graduated, and it's a relief, that we're free from the hands of Joseph and her discipline team, and from here, All The Best. With All My Love. :D

I'm sure you'd have realised, just like how I myself have, that I am indeed a very spoilt, and pampered child, a demanding one. OH WELL. :) Too bad, that's why my name is AUDREY CULLUM!

Now, back to Facebooking, and fighting Zombies. Lol.
This has been a long post. If you managed to survive, good for you since you read through the itty bitty gritty detail of my awesomely spent 16 November 2007. :)

2:06 AM

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Please remind me to blog bout my awesome birthday, someday. For now, it's a RANDOM POST!

Audrey thinks....Shayne Ward should seriously ditch the idea of dancing in his videos. He's trying to be Justin Timberlake and doesn't look too awesome dancing, in my opinion. Please don't go, WTF! HE LOOKS HOT! to me, cause I didn't say he isn't. He is so so la. But, he seriously should stop dancing. If you beg to differ, you're invited to do so politely. I'm just really bored, so I'm coming to start on random topics. Proof of his dancing.

Above, is him, resembling Justin. Man. I think he would do better, if he just lip syncs and stares into the camera, than dance.

The irony of all this, is that, I don't really fancy him. HAHA. :D
I'm pretty sure people wouldn't even bother to watch the videos. I didn't really expect you to. HAHA.

11:34 PM

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

You hear the sound of that?

It's the sound of me desperately trying to tear my laminated entry proof. Yes, indeed, it's finally the day I can officially proclaim freedom to myself and deem that piece of document which seemed ever so intimidating on the 21st Oct, worthless and useless! Let me repeat myself, if you didn't get that clear, I'd repeat in simpler terms...


After a million and ton papers of papers, after following the routine of studying day and night, it obviously felt weird to put a stop to all that. I must say, I was forced to study (obviously) but got the hang of it, and started loving it. But, the catch is that when I start to love it, the exam is over and no longer is that certain subject part of my life, period. So, I am pretty sure that I'd miss my best friend then, STUDYING but for now, I'm pretty much concentrating on enjoying myself.

I must admit, that I have never ever put in that much effort into my studies ever. The thing is, I also doubt I did well. I started late. I've never studied THIS much before, going to school to study, then going out to study, then coming home to study. Seriously, that's not Audrey. Actually, it's not a big of a deal as compared to music exams. Anyway, the results are definitely worrying, but no point in worrying bout them. If I did average, to be honest, I'd feel "Oh ok" but if it's bad, I'd stone for probably only a day, then head on with life. That's me. Oh well, to hell with Os, and on with life! :D

Grad Night's this friday, and to tell you the truth, I don't give a fuck bout it. Seriously. And everyone's gonna be so emo on Friday, and would be exchanging stuff and all, and here's the part where I become paiseh...cause...yours truly, has got nothing prepared. Eunice said I should just give my love! HAHAHAH! :D And to make Grad Night worse, two words "PEELING SKIN". :/

Goodbye to...
Studying at Starbucks
Searching for TYS at Popular
Getting frustrated when we don't get them
Spending tons of bucks on books and stationery
Thinking of the post-Os activities
Efforts spent on spotting for the exam
Linda Teo's picking on me and my weaknesses and malu-ing of me in class
Xing Lao Shi's LIAO SHU JUAN!
Bey bey's...Aiya, everything she does la.
Mrs Heng's PRESS ON!
Miss Kang's accents
Juliana's SEQ practices which she doesn't mark at all
Mrs Loke's verbal SBQ practices
Mrs Yip's pro catching skills
Mdm Sim's...well, what can I say?

Farewell, period, to...
Comprehensions and Summaries
Histograms and Frequency Curves
Differentiation and Integration
Macbeth and JLC
Good governance and everything Singapore
Hitler, Stalin, Rasputin
Chemical Equations
Arteries and Veins, and reproduction in man

To the garanguni with all my worksheets, notes, and textbooks! :D
Long live the freedom we enjoy today! :D

8:45 PM

Friday, November 09, 2007

I cannot take it. I think I fried my brain while trying to tan. I typed 'blogger' in the username field for my blogger account. Oh my goodness.

I can't believe I'm THIS close to becoming extinct. From the face of the earth, how long have I been gone and so much has happened online. Damn it. Jennifer Kuruthukulam, our maid, has a freaking Facebook account! No offence though, Kuruthukulam. And I myself, partly her master, am trying to figure and configure wtf Facebook is about, and what makes it so interesting that everytime my brother returns home, he has diverted his attention from checking his emails immediately to switching on Facebook. Then when he does so, he goes to the Counter Strike thingy and starts random attacking people and rejoices (I mean literally goes YES YOU DIEEEEEEE!!!) when he kills someone or gets promoted to another rank which he probably would never get if I become a mean sister and hack into his account and kill his soul. Ok, that's not the point. The point is, I'm trying to create a freaking account, cause Jo has asked me a long time ago to do so, and Cindy just told me to do so, and now, I'm rather lost in the world of Facebook cause it's too...complicated. Just because I've been away for only a couple of months, doesn't mean I should be THIS far from the current world. Damn it. I bet you must be sniggering away now and thinking 'Damn she's really a gone case.' This is utterly depressing, I tell you.

Ok. That's all. I'm done with ranting.

10:19 PM

Man. I hurt this much. Emphasis: THIS much. Every single part of my body. Smart me, went swimming with Huang Chi, and we never ever learn our lesson of how everytime we put sun tanning oil, we get burnt. Because, we do. We do get burnt. So burnt that I'm literally, hot now. See, I'm so humble now. Haha. That's cause I hurt so much that I have no mood to joke. I really need to find out the right way to tan. I think I'm going to resort by tying gel packs to my hand or something.

If tmr, Eunice Gee finds out I have a sunburn, and starts whacking me, she's on the roadway to hell from me.

"Bolly Bolly Bolly 2! The Best Bhangra CD!"
What. The. Fuck?!

It's actually "Bolly Bolly Volume 2!" That lala's accent was too strong, I didn't get it. LOL! :D"

My long posts will return after the Bio paper. :)

8:22 PM

Thursday, November 08, 2007


1 more paper to go, but, whoever said I can't enjoy in this 1 week? I obviously did so with my bestest of bestest friend now. Meet her, her name is Shopping! :D

My brain cells have dieded too much and I have obviously became gu-dong, during the Os, and when I placed foot into Vivo, the air was too overwhelming. Maybe I'm exaggerating but I've spent over a *censored* dollars on clothes, clothes, and food. HA! And I didn't buy that much clothes. But I'm not regretting cause I've never tried on this many clothes in a million years, or neither have I spent this much money in a day in ages. The last time I did so was in Hawaii when I didn't even try on clothes but speed shopped. It was pretty fun.

After the Literature paper, out came the jigsaw puzzle, out came the storybooks, out came the DVDs, out came my best friend! I've never felt this carefree anymore, and never has FREEDOM smelt this shuweet ever! :D

Now now my friends, would you like to have a date with me? Chill out sessions? Whatever, Book now before I become busy again! Subject to conditions though. :) I'm free as a bird now! I still have not ran out of things to do in fact!

I'll worry bout my results later, when I should.

Till then, with love!

2:06 PM

the chosen one

MRSaudreyjudithCULLUM, duh.
Deeply in Love, Obsessed and Forever Faithful to Jamie, YAY!
Ammaturely a Pianist, Violinist, Trumpeter, Genius, definitely.
Sadistic, Random, a Neat Arse and Perfectionist, for sure.
Loves Music, Drama and Performing!
SACCS, SACCB, ex-Dee eM, 4/6 o7 :)

words to the CULLUMS

the past

December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008

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